Natural Snoring Treatments


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Snoring - Physical Causes of Snoring

Whenever a serious case of snoring occurs, the temptation is to look to a cause in dietary factors. It could be that the patient eats a diet too concentrated in saturated fat, or consumes an excessive amount of alcohol, or smokes. Whilst these are contributory factors in many cases of snoring and even a direct cause in many others, there are many other physical factors, which can influence the development of a snoring problem. Even the simple factor of your position on the bed while sleeping is a potential source of problems. People who usually sleep on their back are far more at risk of snoring than those who sleep on their side. This is because fatty tissue often falls back to restrict the air passages.

Someone breathing through their mouth, rather than their nose, whilst asleep causes one of the most common types of snoring problem. Proper breathing, through the nose, has the air pass smoothly through the soft part of the throat with very little irritation. This is the natural way to breathe. When people breathe through the mouth, however, the air makes no natural passage through soft tissue, instead hitting the throat at an unnatural angle and in a way that carries excessive force. This can be one of the most difficult types of snoring problem to combat, as the cause of the problem occurs while the patient is asleep and therefore unaware of the problem.

Allied to breathing through the mouth is nasal stiffness. This is because the most common cause for people to breathe unnaturally through the mouth is a restriction in the flow of natural nose breathing. If nasal stiffness is a factor in your condition, you will need to take some steps to try and overcome it. The traditional treatment of inhaling steam is effective and without side effects. Also available are natural herbal nasal sprays, which are safe to try. If these remedies fail, you will need to seek qualified medical help. A doctor can prescribe medicines called antihistamines, although these can have severe side effects.

The nostrils themselves can be a major factor in how well a person breathes at night and consequently a factor in any snoring condition. Nostrils can be naturally small, they can collapse, or they can be obstructed or congested. Any of these factors sets up a kind of resistance to the normal natural breathing pattern of breathing smoothly through the nose. The quality of sleep is severely affected by any restriction to this natural breathing. This lack of oxygen to the brain can cause impaired sleep patterns, resulting in reduced relaxation and lead to excessive tiredness during the waking hours.

One of the most common and most effective treatments for these kind of physical problems is to use a nasal dilator. These nasal dilators have become extremely popular, because as well as being effective, they are also completely safe and have no unpleasant side effects. To see if a dilator is likely to help your own condition, you can do a test in front of a mirror. Close one nostril and with your mouth closed, see if your breathing is clear. If your breathing is restricted and becomes clearer by holding the nostril open, there is a strong chance that a dilator will help. This one simple little device has solved the problems of so many snoring sufferers. It is well worth a try to see if it could solve your problems as well.

Michael Russell
Your Independent guide to Snoring

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Snoring - Natural Remedies For Snoring

One of the most effective alleviators of the symptoms of snoring is the nasal dilator. These wonderful plastic devices have become extremely popular due to their effectiveness combined with the total lack of any unpleasant side effects. They work by allowing in more air to the nostril by either widening it, or simply preventing its collapse. If you do a simple test in front of a mirror, you can ascertain for yourself whether a device like this will help you. Just close one nostril by holding it shut with your finger, close your mouth and see if you can breathe easily. If not and your breathing improves with the nostril being artificially propped open, there is a strong possibility that a nasal dilator will help you.

If you plan to use natural remedies to combat snoring, it obviously makes sense to start by cutting out the known contributory factors that make so many cases noticeably worse. Smoking affects so many aspects of our health in a negative way that it makes obvious sense to stop if you possibly can. Alcohol needs to be moderated, especially in the late hours before bedtime. A sensible diet needs to be followed, with special attention paid to the levels of saturated fat. Getting the basics of your diet and lifestyle right, before embarking on a curative campaign with natural remedies, can only be sensible.

One of the most popular and long standing natural remedies used to combat snoring is simple steam. Using a steam vapourizer has a proven history of clearing nasal congestion. Alternatively, just boil some water in a kettle, pour it into a bowl and inhale the steam with a towel over your head. This can be used in conjunction with aromatherapy, with oil such as Marjoram, which is the favoured treatment for snoring among aromatherapy enthusiasts. No clinical tests have yet proven the effectiveness of these remedies, but they are safe to try with no possible dangerous side effects.

Throat sprays are available that have been proven in clinical trials to reduce or eliminate snoring problems in around 97% of cases. These combine natural oils with vitamins and contain no synthetic compounds or drugs. Peppermint is believed to clear the passageways, allowing for smoother movement of breath around the head. The vitamins used are vitamin E and vitamin B6. These ingredients are contained in liposome, which covers the throat and helps them to be properly absorbed. There are also herbal sprays, which you apply directly through the nostrils. These have again proven safe for long-term use and effective in countering nasal congestion.

There is now no need for a snorer to just put up with the condition, or to rely exclusively on potentially dangerous drugs with multiple side effects. Firstly, try the basic guidelines of a healthier lifestyle and diet. This will increase your quality of life, even if it doesn't have any direct effect on your snoring. Then, try a nasal dilator. Again, this can only help. There are no drugs or potential side effects. If these don't solve the problem, try one of the natural remedies that have been proven to work in clinical trials.

Michael Russell
Your Independent guide to Snoring

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Saturday, February 14, 2009

Snoring - Natural Remedies For Snoring

One of the most effective alleviators of the symptoms of snoring is the nasal dilator. These wonderful plastic devices have become extremely popular due to their effectiveness combined with the total lack of any unpleasant side effects. They work by allowing in more air to the nostril by either widening it, or simply preventing its collapse. If you do a simple test in front of a mirror, you can ascertain for yourself whether a device like this will help you. Just close one nostril by holding it shut with your finger, close your mouth and see if you can breathe easily. If not and your breathing improves with the nostril being artificially propped open, there is a strong possibility that a nasal dilator will help you.

If you plan to use natural remedies to combat snoring, it obviously makes sense to start by cutting out the known contributory factors that make so many cases noticeably worse. Smoking affects so many aspects of our health in a negative way that it makes obvious sense to stop if you possibly can. Alcohol needs to be moderated, especially in the late hours before bedtime. A sensible diet needs to be followed, with special attention paid to the levels of saturated fat. Getting the basics of your diet and lifestyle right, before embarking on a curative campaign with natural remedies, can only be sensible.

One of the most popular and long standing natural remedies used to combat snoring is simple steam. Using a steam vapourizer has a proven history of clearing nasal congestion. Alternatively, just boil some water in a kettle, pour it into a bowl and inhale the steam with a towel over your head. This can be used in conjunction with aromatherapy, with oil such as Marjoram, which is the favoured treatment for snoring among aromatherapy enthusiasts. No clinical tests have yet proven the effectiveness of these remedies, but they are safe to try with no possible dangerous side effects.

Throat sprays are available that have been proven in clinical trials to reduce or eliminate snoring problems in around 97% of cases. These combine natural oils with vitamins and contain no synthetic compounds or drugs. Peppermint is believed to clear the passageways, allowing for smoother movement of breath around the head. The vitamins used are vitamin E and vitamin B6. These ingredients are contained in liposome, which covers the throat and helps them to be properly absorbed. There are also herbal sprays, which you apply directly through the nostrils. These have again proven safe for long-term use and effective in countering nasal congestion.

There is now no need for a snorer to just put up with the condition, or to rely exclusively on potentially dangerous drugs with multiple side effects. Firstly, try the basic guidelines of a healthier lifestyle and diet. This will increase your quality of life, even if it doesn't have any direct effect on your snoring. Then, try a nasal dilator. Again, this can only help. There are no drugs or potential side effects. If these don't solve the problem, try one of the natural remedies that have been proven to work in clinical trials.

Michael Russell
Your Independent guide to Snoring

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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Snoring In Children - Is Child Snoring Hereditary & Is It Life Threatening?

Child snoring, if parents snore does it make it more likely that your child will start snoring too? This article will discuss child snoring, whether it's hereditary and why it can be life-threatening. Keep reading to learn how to cure child snoring permanently.

We've all heard of dad and even mum being noisy snorers but sometimes it's the parents that are wakened by the sound of their child snoring. While it may appear cute at first, snoring in children, as with their parents, can be a serious health issue also.

Child snoring can often reflect a more serious condition known as obstructive sleep apnea. If your child has started snoring then it's time to assess if they are a healthy child who just happens to snore or if they have obstructive sleep apnea. Thankfully, it is not difficult to assess child snoring. A child snoring who has obstructive sleep apnea may choke, gasp, and actually stop breathing for a short period of time.

However, snoring in a child has also been related to other behavioural issues. Snoring in children and children with sleep apnea may have a shorter attention span and may encounter problems in school. Other snoring symptoms include high blood pressure, being overweight, nasal speech and enlarged tonsils.

There are a variety of reasons for snoring in children. One reason for snoring in children is dreaded allergies. It's important to find out what is the cause of your child's allergies.

Colds are another reason for snoring in children. A deviated septum may be another reason for snoring in children. If a deviated septum is not fixed the snoring will persist in your child.

Snoring in children also occurs in children with enlarged tonsils. Adenoids also can be a trigger for snoring in children. This is a gland that is found near the insides of the nasal passage. Snoring in children also occurs due to the child being overweight. Snoring in children is actually a real health concern because it is believe to cause hyperactivity in children. Attention span issues are also linked to snoring in children.

It's important to also understand that snoring in children will usually get worse the older the child gets and can become an even greater risk with age. I strongly suggest you check out the website below where you will learn how to cure snoring in children before it becomes too much of a health and social issue.

Copyright 2007.

Wait! Now is the time to stop your snoring and get your life back! Over 100,000 customers have cured their snoring permanently without surgery for snoring. I can show you how to banish your snoring forever in as little as 7 days. Let me show you how to stop your snoring for life without expensive surgical procedures, medications, over-the-counter products, or ridiculous devices. I guarantee I can stop your snoring. Snoring is a big deal and you and your family don't have to suffer anymore. Stop your snoring now at and live your life free from snoring today with the best remedy to stop snoring permanently!

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Friday, February 6, 2009

Surgery For Snoring - Tips To Cure Snoring With Surgery For Snoring

Surgery for snoring could be an option if you are a snorer. Snoring conditions can be classified into two categories: Mild snoring and excessive snoring. Unfortunately snoring gets worse the older you get. Here are some tips to cure snoring with surgery for snoring. Keep reading this article to find out how you can permanently cure your snoring without the need for expensive surgery for snoring.

Mild snoring is more easily curable than excessive snoring. However, if your snoring has disturbed the quality of relationships with the people around you then chances are that your snoring has already complicated to sleep apnea.

Oxygen deprivation occurs with people who suffer from sleep apnea as the snorer actually stops breathing for about 10 seconds during sleep. This can lead to hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, stroke and high blood pressure. Sleep apnea has the added effect of making the person irritable most of the day and also extremely unproductive in their every day lives.

How do you know if you should consider the expensive options of surgery for snoring?

No-one needs to tolerate and live with snoring. If you have tried implants, anti-snoring appliances your next choice may be surgery for snoring. There are a number of different methods of surgery for snoring. However, as with many surgery options, they are costly.

Surgery For Snoring Procedure 1: Septoplasty. The aim of this surgery for snoring is to straighten the cartilage between the inside of the nose. This is a minor surgery for snoring which reduces the soft tissue in the upper air passage.

Surgery For Snoring Procedure 2: If your tonsils and adenoids are enlarge then the surgery for snoring procedure for you to try is a tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy. Both of these surgery for snoring procedures involve removing the adenoids and tonsils.

Surgery For Snoring Procedure 3: Another surgery for snoring for you to consider is palate surgery where part of the parts of the soft palate are removed in order to get rid of the breathing obstruction.

Surgery For Snoring Procedure 4: The last surgery for snoring that I am going to discuss is a maxillomandibular advancement which is a relatively complex procedure of cutting the bones holding the upper and lower jaw and moving the lower jaw forward.

As with most things in life, there are always pros and cons with everything, and the same goes for surgery for snoring. You would have to consider whether the surgery for snoring is worth the expense or whether you should try some cheaper, natural methods to cure snoring instead of expensive surgery for snoring. I strongly suggest you check out the website below before deciding to take the big step of surgery for snoring.

Copyright 2007. Wait! Now is the time to stop your snoring and get your life back! Over 100,000 customers have cured their snoring permanently without surgery for snoring. I can show you how to banish your snoring forever in as little as 7 days. Let me show you how to stop your snoring for life without expensive surgical procedures, medications, over-the-counter products, or ridiculous devices. I guarantee I can stop your snoring. Snoring is a big deal and you and your family don't have to suffer anymore. Stop your snoring now at and live your life free from snoring today with the best remedy to stop snoring permanently!

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